Zip code 43215

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Klaus Larsen Roofing

Before & After

New Shadow Brown Premium Architectural Shingles Provide Pop In Roof Replacement

The Klaus Roofing Systems roofer transformed the look of this home and increased its property value with new Shadow Brown premium architectural shingles. Our roofing process ensures the roofing system is secure at every layer. These steps were followed to give the homeowners a beautiful, durable roof:

1. The existing roof decking was inspected and repaired before starting the shingle replacement.

2. Plywood decking seams were taped with SealoronXT Deck Tape.

3. The self-sealing SealoronXT Ice & Water Barrier was installed to protect the home from the elements, including temperature changes, weather conditions, roof leaks, and pests.

4. The high-performance synthetic VeloraONE Roof Underlayment was applied, providing extra protection against harsh weather and other extreme outdoor conditions.

5. Finally, the shingles were installed using six nails per shingle to provide lasting results to a beautiful finished product.

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