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How To Tell If Your Roof Has Storm Damage

Roof Needs Repair

Harsh weather can rough up your roofing material, leading to damage that over time will require repair or replacement.

The roof, along with the other structural aspects of the home, protects us from weather and the outdoors by keeping us sheltered, dry, and warm. However, when the integrity of the roofing becomes compromised, it can no longer do its job to the best of its ability. This is why you should be aware of the signs of storm damage, so you can be quickly made aware of potentially serious issues with your roofing before they become costly and inconvenient fixes. 

The Common Signs of Storm Damage

Storm damaged shingles

Storms can throw a variety of challenges at your roof and causing various types of damage.

First thing’s first, it’s important to know the age of your roof. Depending on how long you’ve lived in the home, you may have been the one to purchase the last roof, or oversaw its last repairs. 

A typical asphalt roof has a lifespan of 25 to 30 years when properly maintained with inspections and repairs as needed. This helps ensure that there aren’t any issues that could compromise the integrity of your roofing material. It’s always best to have a professional inspect the roof, but there are some issues that homeowners can spot from the ground, or within the attic space. 

So, if you’ve experienced a rough storm recently, or you’re simply concerned that there may be an issue with your roof that you’ve previously overlooked, here are some common indicators that it’s time to meet with a professional about the state of your roof: 

Lifted or buckling shingles

  • When looking up from the ground, there are usually large parts of the roof that are visible, and even to the untrained eye, cracked and buckling shingles tend to stick out like a sore thumb. While the shingles are only one layer of the protection that your roof provides, loose, curling and cracked shingles allow moisture under the roofing material, leading to potential mold and water problems down the line. Lifted or buckling shingles can be caused by high winds and impact damage, so be sure to take a look after major storms.

Visible water infiltration

  • If you’ve noticed water stains on your ceilings, or you’ve been in the attic to find a musty odor and damp insulation, it’s time to have your roof inspected. Where moisture gathers, pests, mold, mildew, and wood rot are sure to follow, leading to potential health dangers and money headaches that we could all do without. The area you live in most likely experiences lots of heavy rain or snow if water has worked its way to visible areas of the house from the roofing, so it may benefit you to schedule inspections during the spring and wetter times of the year. 

Loose debris on the roof

  • Often during harsh storms, debris tends to get picked up and carried by the wind until it ends up snagged on something, or simply dropped by the gust in a new location. Sometimes, that means that sticks and branches can end up on the roof of the home, posing a potential threat to the roofing material. Larger debris can most certainly puncture shingles, or put a strain on roofing supports. 

Missing or hail damaged shingles

  • Hail can be a devastating force, with the largest hailstone ever recorded coming in at 8 inches. Though it’s rare to see such large hailstones, they can be quite big and can pose a definite threat to people, animals, and structures. Hail is just ice, often decent-sized clumps of ice, falling from the sky like rain, which means that they can gather a significant amount of force before slamming into your shingles--sometimes even cracking them in half, or ripping them off completely. 

Ice dams

  • Found during the winter, ice dams form when snow and ice from the peak of the roof melts and flows down the slope, only to encounter an area much cooler and less insulated, allowing the ice to reform around the edge of the roof.
    Ice dams are a serious issue for your roof because the ice can start to freeze and thaw, working its way beneath the shingles, or become so heavy that the ice pushes against the gutters and eventually forces them away from the roofline. Come spring, water issues and battered shingles, or even a potential gutter repair could be quite costly.

Damage to roof supports and accents

  • There are many different styles of roofing, some with more embellishment and detail than others. If you have supports and accents around your roof, you might notice some damage after harsh storms, which could indicate further issues that you might not be able to see. 

Different types of storms will do different types of damage, so it can be helpful to know what you’re looking for. Depending on the types of storms you’re used to experiencing in your area, the issues you encounter are likely quite common and a roofing professional will easily spot and diagnose the extent of the problem.

When To Repair And When To Replace

Roof Replacement

How do you know when to repair and when to replace?

There are two categories that roofing issues typically tend to fall under: Major and Minor

Minor damage to the roofing material will typically constitute some light repairs, usually ones that fall under the umbrella of your insurance. Hail damage or a few cracked or missing shingles won’t necessitate a full roof replacement and would fall under the category of minor damages along with issues such as: 

  • Cracked vent booting
  • Missing cap shingles
  • Nail pops
  • Sections of unsealed shingles
  • And more

Major damage, however, will need a more aggressive approach. There are other factors besides the extent of storm damage to the roof as well, such as:

  • If the roof has multiple layers
  • Lichen or moss infestations
  • If the roof is over 10 years old
  • Extreme leakage and water intrusion
  • And more

Scheduling a roofing inspection can do a lot to help avoid issues from developing, helping you to avoid frequent, costly repairs. It’s recommended that after a heavy storm, a roofing contractor is called out to check on the roof. That way, even if damage has been done, there may be a way to lessen the number of issues you’ll experience in the aftermath. Water moves quickly, and mold and mildew grow almost just as fast, so it’s important to be as aware as possible of the condition of your roof.

Finding A Quality Roofing Contractor Near You

Roof Replacement Service

Klaus Roofing Systems is here for you and all your roofing needs!

If you’ve been experiencing harsh weather patterns in your area or have concerns about the quality or age of your roof, it’s time to reach out to a professional roofing contractor near you. When searching for a roofing company, it’s best to choose one that you feel you can trust with the all-important task of ensuring that your roof is up to the task of protecting you and your family. 

The Klaus Roofing Systems Network is a collection of highly trained and experienced local contractors, dedicated to doing the best work with the best service, going the extra mile for their valued customers. A Klaus Roofing Systems expert will thoroughly check the entire roof structure, from the nails, seals, and shingles, down to the ventilation, insulation, and gutter system. 

With a wide variety of roofing services and top-notch customer service, Klaus Roofing Systems is here for you! Reach out today for your free, no-obligation estimate!

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