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Klaus Larsen Roofing

Before & After Photos

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Roof Replacement in Brewster, NY

This home in  Brewster, NY, was in need of a roof replacement. A subtle but impactful transformation occurred as Klaus Larsen Roofing removed the old shingles off of the roofing and applied the IKO Architectural Dynasty singles in the color Granite Black. From worn out shingles with weathered patches, to a new dark sleek roofing, the home looks brand new with its roof replacement. This upgrade not only enhances the homes curb appeal, but it also ensures protection from the harsh elements- The Klaus Roofing Way!

Roof Replacement in Brewster, NY

The homeowner in Brewster, NY, heard about Klaus Larsen Roofing through a friend who was also having their home upgraded by us and decided to take advantage of our top-notch services. After experiencing shingles being blown off their roof, they were ready to make a change and upgrade to a high-quality, low-maintenance roof—the Klaus Roofing Way. We started by removing the old shingles and applying protective seals to the decking. This crucial step prevents water from seeping into the plywood and causing leaks. Next, we installed heavy-duty IKO Dynasty shingles, which come with a robust 130 mph wind warranty, ensuring these shingles will stay firmly in place even in severe weather. Additionally, these shingles are designed to be algae-resistant, preventing unsightly black streaks, stains, and discoloration, including blue-green algae. With this upgrade, the homeowner’s roof will not only look brand new but will also stay that way for decades, thanks to the durability and quality of Klaus Larsen Roofing process!

Roof Replacement in Brewster, NY, Seven Star School for the Performing Arts

Donna, the owner of Seven Star School for the Performing Arts, knew it was time for a roof replacement when leaks started affecting her building. This charming property saw an amazing transformation with a full roof makeover! In the “before” photo, you can see the dark streaks and algae growth on the roof—issues that could only worsen with time. Now, the new roof is topped with IKO Dynasty shingles, which are algae-resistant, making them ideal for a property like this. With these shingles, Donna won’t have to worry about her roof looking weathered for years to come.

But that’s not all: this roof also includes a robust protective layer underneath. Over the plywood deck, Klaus Larsen Roofing applied SealoronXT Ice & Water and VeloraOne Roof Underlayment. These layers form a powerful barrier, preventing leaks and creating the ultimate defense against even the harshest weather. Donna can rest easy with the Klaus Promise—a 50-year transferable warranty. If she ever needs any roofing assistance, we’ll be there free of charge. That’s the Klaus Roofing Way!

Roof Replacement in Brewster, NY

David, a homeowner in Brewster, NY, has a 30-year-old asphalt shingled roof that, surprisingly, hasn't developed any leaks so far. Recognizing that his roof’s age was approaching the point where issues could arise, David decided it was time to be proactive and replace the roof before any problems began. He reached out to us at Klaus Larsen Roofing to schedule a free inspection and quote, seeking a reliable solution to ensure his home remains protected from the elements for many more years. David wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to upgrade his roof while he still had time to avoid potential damage. We quickly got to work, removing the old roof and replacing it with high-quality materials designed to withstand the elements for decades. David’s home was upgraded with IKO Dynasty shingles, known for their exceptional durability and wind resistance, offering top-tier protection for years to come. As part of every full roof replacement, we offer the Klaus Promise—a 50-Year Warranty that ensures we will be there for David should any issues arise, giving him peace of mind knowing his home is protected for the long haul. The Klaus Roofing Way!

Bad Roof In Millbrook, NY

A home in Millbrook, New York was having flashing leaks from their chimney and vent boots. The roof was no longer holding up like it should. We are so glad we could come in the Klaus Way, and put a Klaus on their house! The couple was extremely pleased with the results. 

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