Zip code 43215

Your Local Dealer is

Klaus Larsen Roofing

Job review from Wanda in Beacon Falls, CT 06403 on 11/04/16

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5
Our Overall Service

Brown Roofing is a very professional and well run business.

Call Representative

The call representative was helpful and polite.

Sales Process

Ed was a down-to-earth and friendly salesperson. His presentation was very thorough and demonstrated his expertise in the products he sells.

Our Installation Crew

The crew was very quiet and worked efficiently. Roof was finished in 1 day.

The Cleanup Process

Anything the crew moved was put back. All the debris was picked up and trucked away. The house with its new roof and yard looked great!

What made you choose our company:

Local & good reputation 100 percent satisfaction - After the new gutters were installed, some unpainted fascia board could be seen. A worker was sent to paint the board to get a completely finished look to the house. Thank you!

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